Eye Tracking Glasses

We use two pairs of SMI ETG 2 Eyetracking Glasses to monitor and record the exact gaze directions of our musician participants. The SMI Glasses use infrared sensors on the lower side of the inner frame of the glasses to determine the position, that is the gaze vector, of each pupil. It maps these measurements on a video taken by a front camera on the eyetracking glasses.

We have synchronized the eyetracking glasses with our motion capture system using an Optitrack eSync 2 as a central trigger device.

To integrate the local eye gaze vectors into the motion capture coordinate system, we track the position of the glasses with three additional markers and then rotate the eyetracking coordinates to match the motion capture coordinate system.


Bishop, L., Cancino-Chacón, C. E., & Goebl, W. (2018). Visual Signals between Improvisers Indicate Attention rather than Intentions. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and 10th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), Graz.

Bishop, L., & Goebl, W. (2018). Beyond Synchronization: How and Why do Ensemble Performers Communicate? Paper presented at the Together in Music: Expression, Performance and Communication in Ensembles (TIM-18), Sheffield, U.K.


This lab equipment was financed by FWF P29427: Coordination and Collaborative Creativity in Music Ensembles (CoCreate) (PI Dr. Laura Bishop).
