Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà

Phone: (+43 1) 71155-4329


Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà


Scientific interests

  • Acoustics of musical instruments
  • The player-instrument interaction in woodwind instruments and stringed instruments
  • Experimental methods for the analysis of musical instruments
  • The teaching and learning process of physics

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Curriculum Vitae

Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà was born in 1992 in Les Borges del Camp (Catalonia, Spain). She has worked for about 10 years in the field of Music Acoustics, carrying out research on string instruments (piano, harp, cello) and on woodwind instruments (clarinet, saxophone). She has a great interest in both music and technology. Her musical background is in piano, lyrical singing and choir conducting. In 2014, she completed her Bachelor studies in Industrial Technology Engineering (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona); during an Erasmus exchange in Helsinki, she studied ways to measure the motion of the strings of the piano. She then moved to Paris to study Music Acoustics in the ATIAM master program (Acoustique, Traitement du signal, Informatique Appliqués à la Musique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie and IRCAM, Paris). As part of her master thesis in the laboratory "Lutheries - Acoustique - Musique" (LAM) she investigated the playing technique in the harp. In 2016, back to Barcelona, she obtained a master degree in Science Teaching, another of her passions (Universitat de Barcelona).

Since April 2016 Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà has lived in Vienna, where she pursued her PhD studies within the project Transient Phenomena in Single-Reed Woodwind Instruments at the Department of Music Acoustics of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Since then, the clarinet has been added to her list of musical interests. She defended her PhD in February 2021, and her work was recognised with the Award of Excellence by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (2021) and with the Herta & Kurt Blaukopf-Award of the mdw. 

In 2019, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà joined the FFG Project Repetition behaviour of piano actions, in collaboration with the Viennese Piano Manufacturer Feurich, where the influence of a new patented development for upright pianos was studied. 

In 2021, Montserrat Pàmies-Vilà obtained a fellowship within the Hertha Firnberg Programme for post-docs of the Austrian Science Fund FWF with the project Investigating cello sound production beyond ordinary bowing.

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You can check here the courses led by Dr Pàmies-Vilà at mdw: