Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.

Wilfried Kausel

(Former head)


Wilfried Kausel

Scientific Work

  • Influence of wall vibrations for brass wind instruments
  • simulation and optimization of wind instruments
  • measurement technique
  • characterization of string instruments

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Curriculum Vitae

born 1957 in Vienna

1976 Studies at the Technical University Vienna (Electronics) and at the conservatoire of Vienna (jazz department, bass guitar). Finished both studies with diploma.

1982-1997 Assistant teacher at the Inst. f. Electrical Engineering and Electronics at the Techn. Univ. of Vienna in the fields of CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) and chip design. Member of AGCAD. Cofounder of the UNICHIP initiative.

1984-1997 Consultant for CMOS chip design in the telecommunication area. Several system design and chip design projects. 21 international patents.

married since 1989, 2 children (Katharina, Emanuel)

since 1997 working at the Institut für Wiener Klangstil (University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna)

1999: PhD in Electrical Engineering. Titel of thesis: "An Optimised Architecture for a ΣΔ-based Multi-Channel Codec & Filter Device"- a signal processing CMOS circuit for telecom.

2003: Habilitation in Musical Acoustics. Titel of thesis: "A Musical Acoustician's Guide to Computational Physics - Concepts, Algorithms & Applications."

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