Participative processes at the LBI


  • Institute meetings of the institute's management with the institute's teaching staff. These meetings take place at least twice per semester.

  • Departmental group meetings at least 2 times per semester respectively permanent exchange.

  • Permanent exchange with hmdw and students - student-institute meeting once a year (currently under evaluation).

  • LBI competition - open to all students of the institute - also for awarding scholarships or special performances.

  • Feedback culture on commission exams: Following commission exams, candidates are given personal feedback upon request.

  • Cooperation with other institutes of the mdw (intensively with institutes 5, 7, 18) and other institutions such as the Johann Sebastian Bach Music School, the Association of Friends of the Viennese Oboe, the Vienna/NÖ/Burgenland Music School Association.

  • Participation in connection with the planning of a renewed curriculum: Survey of teachers, students and graduates of the LBI and FKI on various aspects of the curriculum. The survey was created and conducted by the Study Commission (StuKo) Instrumental Studies in cooperation with the Quality Management of mdw.