3rd Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition

February 9th-12th, 2016
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna


The Jury Members Michael Jarrell, Isabel Mundry, Robert HP Platz, Rebecca Saunders and Marco Stroppa came to the following decision in publicly held deliberations:


The 1st prize was awarded to:

Matius Shan-Boone (Indonesia)

for his piece "6 views from my window"


The 2nd prize was awarded to:

Peter Yarde Martin (UK)

for his piece "The Five Elements"


The 3rd prize was awarded to:

Daniel Serrano Garcia (Spain)

for his piece "Sonetos"


In addition the Jury awarded "honorable mention" to

Davide Coppola (Italy): "4 vierhändige Insekten"
Emre Sihan Kaleli (Turkey): "Six Short Pieces for Emerging Pianist"


Presentations, jury discussions, announcement of the prize winners: 

Video on demand - https://mdw.vhx.tv/3-mauricio-kagel-kompositionswettbewerb-2016