5th Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition

February 1st-4th, 2022
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna


The Jury Members of the 5th Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition, Michael Jarrell, Elena Mendoza, Isabel Mundry, Miroslav Srnka and Marco Stroppa came to the following decision in publicly held deliberations:


The 1st prize was awarded to:

Patrick Thomas Schäfer (Germany) for his piece "Creatures"


The 2nd prize was awarded to:

Adrian Mocanu (Ukraine) for his piece "La piccola fiammiferaia"


Two 3rd prizes were awarded to:

Biin Jin (South Korea) für her piece "Pendule"
Óscar Prados (Spain) for his piece "Interludes"



In addition the Jury made a recommendation for:

In-Gi Kim (South Korea) for his piece "Qualia"
Karlo Margetić (New Zealand) for his piece "In all directions"
Luis Alberto Tenaglia (Argentina) for his piece "Los días antes del Tiempo II"
Marc Vogler (Germany) for his piece "Organum"


Presentations, jury discussions, announcement of the prize winners:

Video on demand - https://mdw.vhx.tv/5-mauricio-kagel-kompositionswettbewerb