4th Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition

February 4th-7th, 2019
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna


The Jury Members of the 4th Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition, Michael Jarrell, Clay McMillan, Isabel Mundry, Robert HP Platz and Marco Stroppa came to the following decision in publicly held deliberations:


Two 1st prizes were awarded to:

Ayaz Gambarli (Azerbaijan) for his piece "Mirage"


Pamela Viglione (Italy) for her piece "States of mind"

Pamela Viglione did not accept the prize, because she did not agree to having her piece published by a publishing company.


The 3rd prize was awarded to:

Dimitris Maronidis (Greece) for his piece "4 (Hommage) Études"



In addition the Jury awarded "honorable mention" to:

Ignacio Brasa Gutiérrez (Spain) for his piece "Tacto"

Jens Klimek (Germany) for his piece "Die Planeten"

Stephan Lewandowski (Germany) for his piece "Geheimnisvolle Kurzgeschichte in 4 Abschnitten"


Presentations, jury discussions, announcement of the prize winners:

Video on demand - https://mdw.vhx.tv/4-mauricio-kagel-kompositionswettbewerb-2019