Applications must be in digital form. Upload deadline is September 20, 2024.

For the digital submission please use the digital submission portal (→ Digital submission) using the following steps:

- Register with your name, your e-mail address and a password.
- You will receive an e-mail with a link to validate your e-mail address.
- After logging in, fill out the form "personal data" and upload your photo.
- Under "anonymized data", upload your composition as a PDF file. Your composition will be passed on to the jury without any of your personal data. Therefore please make sure that this PDF file does not contain any personal data or metadata.
- You can finalize your submission after saving all information and uploads, after confirming that you have read and understood the competition’s legal information and acknowledged the data protection declaration. After finalizing your submission you will not be able to make any changes in your personal data or composition.
- A five-digit code will then be generated automatically. This code will identify your composition till the end of the competition.
- You will receive an e-mail which will confirm your registration, and again inform you about the code of your composition.