Rechtspopulistische Bewegungen und Diskurse greifen auf neue, ästhetisierte Politikstile und bis dato links konnotierte, künstlerisch erprobte Provokationsformen zurück. Zudem besetzen sie Geschlecht, Familie und Sexualität als Trigger-Themen. Die Beiträger*innen bringen die Populismusforschung mit geistes- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Ansätzen zusammen und fokussieren dabei auf das kulturelle Feld und Geschlechterdiskurse als spezifische Aushandlungsterrains. Neben einer Analyse, wie der »rechtspopulistische Komplex« jeweils aktuelle gesellschaftliche Problemlagen instrumentalisiert, eröffnen sie auch Gegenstrategien im Sinne radikaldemokratischer und emanzipatorischer Politiken.
The book is predominantly in German with several English chapters.
Published in Print and Open Access in August 2024, 260 pages
About the Editors
Evelyn Annuß is head of the International Research Center Gender and Performativity and Professor of Gender Studies at mdw. As a theater and literature scholar, she received her venia docendi from Ruhr University Bochum (Volksschule des Theaters: Nationalsozialistische Massenspiele) and her PhD from the University of Erfurt (Elfriede Jelinek. Theater des Nachlebens). Her work targets aesthetics, politics and critical theories. She has worked internationally as a curator on postcolonial photography. Together with Fatima Naqvi and Sebastian Kirsch she just published “Chorische Figurationen” (Germanic Review). Her forthcoming book Dirty Dragging deals with transoceanic perspectives on mimesis (mdwPress).
Sarah Chaker is assistant professor at the Department of Music Sociology at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. In her dissertation at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, she researched how black and death metal fans in Germany interact with their music. Her current research interests include the field of street music, popular music (especially metal) and music mediation. In 2023, she was awarded the Austrian State Prize Ars Docendi for excellent teaching.
Andrea Glauser is Professor of Cultural Studies at the Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies, mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Her research interests include art and cultural sociology, urban research, social and cultural theories, world society research and methods of qualitative social research. Recent book publications: Vertical Europe: The Sociology of High-rise Construction, Campus & Chicago University Press, 2019; The Sociology of Arts and Markets: New Developments and Persistent Patterns (ed. with Patricia Holder et al.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2020; Global beobachten und vergleichen. Soziologische Analysen zur Weltgesellschaft (ed. with Hannah Bennani et al.), Campus, 2020.
Therese Kaufmann is Head of Research Promotion at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. She studied German language and literature, art history and cultural studies in Vienna and London. She was co-editor of the multilingual web journal (until 2012) as well as the anthologies Nach Bourdieu: Visualität, Kunst, Politik (2008), Transkulturelle Erkundungen: wissenschaftlich-künstlerische Perspektiven (2019) and Knowing in Performing. Artistic Research in Music and the Performing Arts (2021).
Ralf von Appen is Professor of Theory and History of Popular Music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. He studied musicology, philosophy and psychology at JLU Giessen, where he completed his doctorate in 2007 with the thesis “Der Wert der Musik. Zur Ästhetik des Populären”. His focus is on aesthetics and valuation, history and methods of analyzing popular music. From 2008 to 2020 he was chairman of the Gesellschaft für Popularmusikforschung (GfPM), since 2017 he has been editor of the series Beiträge zur Popularmusikforschung at transcript Verlag. Publications see
Silke Felber is a postdoctoral researcher at the intersection of theater and cultural studies. She is currently Principal Investigator of the Stand-Alone Project “Performing Gender in View of the Outbreak” (FWF) at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. She has held fellowships and lectureships at the Free University of Berlin, the University of Bern, Ghent University, the University of Graz, the University of Oxford and the University of Vienna, among others. Her recent publications include Travelling Gestures: Elfriede Jelinek’s Theater der (Tragödien-)Durchquerung (2023) and Susanne Kennedy: Reanimating the Theatre (2023), edited with Inge Arteel and Cornelis van der Haven. She is the recipient of the prestigious Hertha Firnberg (2016) and Elise Richter (2018) grants from the Austrian Science Fund FWF. In 2023 she received an ERC Consolidator Grant for her project “OLFAC – Olfactormativity: Exploring the Intervening Performativity of Smell”.
Susanne Lettow is lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy and Head of Research at the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies at the Free University of Berlin. Her work focuses on social philosophy and critical social theory, feminist theory and history, theory and critique of biopolitics. She was a Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna and has held visiting professorships at the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Basel, the Institute for Political Science at the University of Vienna, the Department of Social Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt and the Institute for Philosophy at the Free University of Berlin. She is currently Principal Investigator in the sub-project “Property in the human body in the context of transnational economies of reproduction” of the SFB/TRR “Structural Change of Property”.
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