The Social Organization of Arts – A Theoretical Compendium

Volker Kirchberg and Tasos Zembylas


Chapter 1 | Introduction

1 Some general notes on sociological models and metaphors
2 What organizes arts? Some cornerstones of this compendium
3 Limits and pitfalls of studying the social organization of arts
4 Overview


Chapter 2 | Art Worlds as Collectives

1 An introduction to Becker’s thinking
2 The condition of cooperation in the creation of art
3 Conventions as outcomes of collective actions
4 Division of labor in art worlds
5 Art worlds as a holistic approach
6 Extension of the art worlds perspective: the sociological focus on artworks
7 Critique of Becker’s art worlds

Chapter 3 | Fields of Cultural Production

1 The concept of field as a structural approach for analyzing cultural
2 The historical development of the artistic field: the antagonistic structure of art and money
3 A general model of the structure of the field of cultural production
4 Acting in the artistic field: Bourdieu’s view of practice
5 Changes in the field of cultural production: struggles, conversions and the dialectic of distinction
6 Critique of Bourdieu’s field theory

Chapter 4 | The Organization of Art as a Social System

1 General introduction to Luhmann’s systems theory
2 Central concepts: complexity, functional differentiation, autopoiesis and
3 Specific characteristics of the art system
4 Critique of Luhmann’s systems theory
5 Extending Luhmann’s art systems theory

Chapter 5 | A Comparative Discussion of the Theories of Becker, Bourdieu
and Luhmann

1 Sociological models
2 Understandings of art
3 Understandings of social relations in organizational arrangements
4 Conceptions of autonomy
5 Conceptions of change
6 Epistemic potentials and inherent limitations of the three theories


Chapter 6 | The Production of Culture Perspective

1 Key terms of the Production of Culture Perspective
2 Main focuses in the Production of Culture Perspective
3 Critique of the Production of Culture Perspective

Chapter 7 | Sociological Neo-Institutionalism: Organization of Arts as a Social Construction

1 Roots: old institutionalism
2 The emergence of Neo-Institutionalism
3 Central concepts of Neo-Institutionalism
4 Critique of Neo-Institutionalism

Chapter 8 | Cultural Institutions Studies

1 Theoretical foundations and basic concepts
2 Main research topics of Cultural Institutions Studies
3 Critique of Cultural Institutions Studies

Chapter 9 | Comparing the Production of Culture Perspective,
the Sociological Neo-Institutionalism and the Cultural Institutions Studies

1 Context as a major concept for comparing the three middle-range theories
2 The Cultural Diamond template of comparing the middle-range theories
3 Conclusion: Comparing the three middle-range theories

Chapter 10 | Networking the Arts – Going Beyond the Discussed Theories

1 Social network analysis as a tool to analyze liquid organizing in arts
2 The network principle as a condition for the “new spirit” of capitalism
3 Connecting relational network analysis with semantic network analysis
4 Outlook: advancing the study of dynamics in organizing arts


List of Figures
Name Index
Subject Index
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This publication received financial support from the Open Access Fund of mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and the publication fund NiedersachsenOPEN, funded by zukunft.niedersachsen.