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Tag Archives: populism

Popular Music, Populism in Germany, and the Politics of Critique

Mario Dunkel, Reinhard Kopanski 1. Introduction The term populism is currently omnipresent. Politicians are quick to criticise statements and demands made by their colleagues as populist, and it is difficult to keep track of the number of academic papers, scientific articles, and journalistic writings on populism. In public discourse, at least in Germany, where the term is strongly associated with …

Flaunting of the »High«

Popular Music, Taste and Populism in Hungary Emília Barna, Ágnes Patakfalvi-Czirják 1. Introduction On 7 April 2018, the evening before the Fidesz Party’s third supermajority win at the elections, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán checked in via his social media profile. The footage showed him arriving at the MÜPA [Palace of Arts], an important cultural venue in Budapest, accompanied by family …

(S)Caring Masculinities?

Politische Männlichkeiten im Kontext von COVID-19 Silke Felber Die »Krise der Männlichkeit« – mit dem Brustton der Überzeugung im deutschsprachigen Feuilleton der Jahrtausendwende ausgerufen – erlebt gegenwärtig wieder eine Konjunktur. Worauf aber zielt ein solcher Befund ab? Darauf, dass der Mann nicht mehr ist, wie er einst war? Darauf, dass der Mann nicht mehr weiß, wie er aufzutreten habe? Spricht daraus …