Welcome to the Centre of Music Physiology!

We offer a wide range of courses in the areas of breathing and bodywork, perception and movement training, voice development, concentration practice and relaxation techniques, as well as breathing and music physiology lectures and music physiology research opportunities for instrumentalists, singers and teachers.

For free music-making in everyday practice and study, but also as support for examinations, auditions and competitions.

Are you interested in topics such as:

  •     What can I do if I have pain while playing?

  •     How can I reduce stress and tension?

  •     How can I improve my posture and movement?

  •     How can I practise efficiently and improve my concentration?

  •     How can I find my free breath and much more?

Then you've come to the right place!

  •     Information about our courses

  •     Information about theses, science and research

2nd Deputy Head of Department of Music and Movement Education/Rhythmics and Music Physiology and Head of Centre for Music Physiology:

Coretta Kurth
Email: kurth@mdw.ac.at

Department office:

Julia Hochschwarzer
Antonia Schwarz

Email: musikphysiologie@mdw.ac.at
Phone: +43 1 - 711 55 - 3901
Phone: +43 1 - 711 55 - 3902

Address of the Department office:

Singerstr. 26A
(entrance Seilerstätte 8)
3rd floor
1010 Vienna

Porters at Rennweg:

Tel.: +43-1-71155-156



Newsletter Musikphysiologie an der mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Unser Newsletter informiert anlassbezogen über Veranstaltungen, Aktivitäten und Neuigkeiten der Abteilung Musikphysiologie.