Welcome at the Department
of Music and Movement Education/Rhythmics
⇒ Would you like to experience and get to know our institute up close? Under News you will find concerts, work shadowing opportunities, information days on studying and much more!
What is music and movement education / rhythmics?
Our body is our primal instrument. We use it to feel, hear, see and experience the world.
Music and movement education/rhythmics combines music and body/movement/dance and aims to develop and differentiate musical and motor skills. The interaction between music and
movement forms the basis for creative design and learning processes. As an integrative and transdisciplinary subject area, MBP/rhythmics has music education, movement education, social
education, general education as well as inclusion and curative education content and goals.
Department Head
Klaus Göhr
1. Debuty
Christina Reif
Manager Divison Rhythm
Emilie Groz
Department office
1010 Wien, Singerstraße 26A
(Entrance with elevator:
Seilerstätte 8, 3. Stock)
Julia Hochschwarzer
+43 1 71155 -3901
Antonia Schwarz
+43 1 71155 -3902
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 10 am - noon
and 1 - 4 pm
Friday: 10 am - noon
and 1 - 3 pm
Email: rhythmik@mdw.ac.at

Studying Music and Movement Education / Rhythmics at the mdw
The following music education programmes can be studied at the Department of Music and Movement Education/ Rhythmics and Music Physiology in Vienna:
Music and Movement Pedagogy / Rhythmics Bachelor (full-time)
Music and Movement Education / Rhythmics Master's programme (full-time)
In addition to the Bachelor's and Master's programmes, the mdw also offers the opportunity to complete a doctoral programme. There are currently around 60 students studying in the Department of Music and Movement Education / Rhythmics.
Music and movement are explored in the Music- and Movement Education/Rhythmics degree programme both in their mutual interpenetration and as individual disciplines and their corresponding pedagogical application is taught.
The aim of the degree programme is to provide students with specialist, theoretical-scientific, pedagogical-didactic and artistic-scientific professional training in the field of Music- and Movement Education for teaching at educational institutions as well as for the independent profession.