Advancing Music and Minorities Research
What do we offer?
AMMR grantees receive:
- 8,000.00 EUR of financial support for the scholarly work of developing their project ideas into concrete project plans and competitive funding applications. This money is paid on a freelance basis via a contract for works and services. (Note that grantees are responsible to report all amounts received to the competent tax authority for the purpose of calculating the corresponding taxes. Additional charges such as wire transfer fees may apply.) The money is paid in two instalments of 4,000.00 EUR according to work progress. The first instalment is due after a draft project concept is produced. The second instalment is paid when the full project application is completed and submitted. Due to statutory reasons, down payments are not possible.
- scholarly counseling by MMRC’s academic staff and associates.
- advice on funding application writing by MMRC’s research coordinator.
- if necessary, English language editing of funding applications (additional funds will be provided).
Furthermore, MMRC will promote the selected candidates as AMMR grantees via the center’s communication channels.
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