Kick-Off-Event of the MMRC


Event flyer showing the MMRC logo with a stylised rust-red "m" above a turquoise "m", with the words "Music & Minorities Research Center" below it in black

Photo © Stephan Polzer


© Stephan Polzer

Ursula Hemetek giving a speech

Ursula Hemetek © Stephan Polzer


© Stephan Polzer

Ulrike Sych giving a speech  at the podium and giving applause

Ulrike Sych © Stephan Polzer

Klement Tockner giving a speech at the podium

Klement Tockner © Stephan Polzer

Cornelia Kogoj giving a speech  at the podium

Cornelia Kogoj © Stephan Polzer

Svanibor Pettan and Ursula Hemetek hugging

Svanibor Pettan & Ursula Hemetek © Stephan Polzer

Alma Bejtullahu & Julia Fent © Stephan Polzer

Stephen Wild © Stephan Polzer

Naila Ceribašić giving a speech at the podium

Naila Ceribašić © Stephan Polzer

Adelaida Reyes © Stephan Polzer

Marko Kölbl © Stephan Polzer

Mayco Santaella © Stephan Polzer

Maciej Golebiowski & Alexander Shevchenko (klezmer reloaded) playing clarinet and accordion

Maciej Golebiowski & Alexander Shevchenko (klezmer reloaded) © Stephan Polzer

Audience giving applause

© Stephan Polzer

Audience giving applause

© Stephan Polzer

On Friday, November 29, 2019, the Music and Minorities Research Center (MMRC) was presented to the public in a kick-off event.

In her speech, Ulrike Sych, Rector of the mdw, pointed out that Ursula Hemetek was the first researcher at an art university to be awarded the Wittgenstein Award, thereby confirming the pioneering role played by the MMRC. The President of the Austrian Science Fund FWF, Klement Tockner, expressed his appreciation to Ursula Hemetek, especially for the courage with which she has been conducting her research for many years. Cornelia Kogoj, Secretary General of Initiative Minderheiten, presented the first activities to be undertaken as part of the cooperation between the two institutions. In her speech, Ursula Hemetek, director of the research center, vividly described the importance of music for minorities and the possibilities of socio-politically effective research. Team members Alma Bejtullahu and Julia Fent presented the guiding principles and main research areas of the MMRC. The strong international networking of the MMRC as well as the international reputation of its founder and director, Ursula Hemetek, became clear in the greetings given by members of the advisory board from Malaysia, Canada, the USA and Australia, which were presented on video. Three other members of the international scientific advisory board, Naila Ceribašić, Marko Kölbl and Svanibor Pettan, also addressed the audience.

The musical contributions were presented by klezmer reloaded.

Among the guests were long-time companions of Ursula Hemetek as well as further representatives of the media and various NGOs. Colleagues from the mdw from art and science also were present numerously. Thus, as part of the casual conclusion of the event, contents could be discussed further as well as ideas for possible cooperations and projects.