

Ružake gila – Ružas Lieder – Ruža’s songs

Project lead: Ursula Hemetek
Project team: Eva Leick, Malik Sharif
Project duration: 2023-2025
Funding: Austrian Science Fund FWF Grant-DOI


Engineering the Minorities: Folk Music, Ethnic Traditions, and the Chinese Narrative in the 21st Century

Project realization: Kai Tang
Project start: October 2022
Funding: Deborah Wong Research and Publication Award der Society for Ethnomusicology, Austrian Science Fund FWF Grant-DOI


Reverse Ethnomusicology: Migrant Musicians as Researchers

Principal investigators: Dr. Anja Brunner (Department for Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology, mdw), Dr. Cornelia Gruber (Phonogrammarchiv, ÖAW)
Researchers: Valeska Andrea Díaz Soto (2023-2024), Petzi Beneš, Lis Vovka
Project duration: 03/2023–09/2025
Funding: Austrian Science Fund FWF, 1000-Ideas-Program,
Grant-DOI 10.55776/TAI724


Challenging the Theater of Memory. Yiddish Song beyond Kitsch and Stereotype

Project lead: Isabel Frey & Benjy Fox-Rosen
Funding: AR-Pilot Call 2022 of mdw, Austrian Science Fund FWF Grant-DOI


Women Musicians from Syria: Performance, Networks, Belonging/s after Migration

Project lead: Anja Brunner
Project duration: 01/2020 to 12/2024, at MMRC since 04/2021 (previously at the University of Vienna)
Funding: The Austrian Science Fund FWF, Elise Richter Program, Grant-DOI


Completed projects:


Music in the Experience of Forced Migration from Syria to the European Borderland

Project realization: Ioannis Christidis
Project start: March 1, 2020 to June 4, 2024
Funding: Austrian Science Fund FWF Grant-DOI


Klingender Gemeindebau

Project lead: Ursula Hemetek
Project team: Jasemin Khaleli
Project duration: March 1, 2021 to June 31, 2022 (research phase), followed by on-site implementation phase
Funding: Austrian Science Fund FWF Grant-DOI