Klingender Gemeindebau

A research project of the MMRC, together with wohnpartner (with the participation of the departments for "Basic Groundwork and Quality Assurance" and "Culture-Oriented Community Work" as well as the wohnpartner team 14_15_16), the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (PhA), the Tenants' Advisory Council of the Anton-Figl-Hof and Wiener Wohnen (Completed)


Brief description:

What role does music play in the lives of the residents of a Viennese municipal housing complex? – The project Klingender Gemeindebau pursues this exciting question.

Large municipal housing complexes are characterized by a great variety of languages, origins, age groups and interests of the residents. This diversity can be a source of conflict when opposing needs collide, but above all it is an important resource for enriching encounters and experiences. This research project wants to approach the residents of the Anton-Figl-Hof in the 14th district of Vienna from a specific point of view: it is about musical identification. In the context of the research project, it is of interest which different types of music are practiced and listened to by the residents – in public space as well as in their private homes – and which role music plays in their everyday life and in living together. Based on the results of the field research carried out by a researcher between spring 2021 and spring 2022, formats will be worked out together with the residents to develop how the research results can directly benefit the residents in a second project phase – for example in form of cultural events, parties, etc. or in form of community-based archiving on site.


Project lead: Ursula Hemetek

Project team: Jasemin Khaleli

Project duration: March 1, 2021 to June 31, 2022 (research phase), followed by on-site implementation phase (completed)

Funding: Austrian Science Fund FWF Grant-DOI 10.55776/Z352