
The conference will take place at the campus of the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw).

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna | AUSTRIA

The conference rooms are at the main building. All conference rooms are accessible for wheelchairs. We ask you to announce further support requirements in the registration form.

Every room is fitted with a notebook, a projector and the possibility of sound reproduction. An assisting student is present in every room for additional technical or organisational questions. If possible go to your assigned room 10 minutes before the lecture in order to load your presentation onto the notebook provided for you in the lecture room.

Coat stands are available in the lecture rooms. Watch out for your clothes, since we are not liable for any occuring damages. Luggage can be dropped off at the infodesk.

On each floor of the main building of the mdw you will find all-gender, ladies / gentlemen as well as barrier-free bathrooms.