Call for participation in the Sustainability Award 2024

Submissions until 2 June 2024


The Department of Organisational Development and Social Responsibility is calling on all members of the mdw to participate in the Sustainability Award 2024 and thus make visible the ideas, projects and contributions to future-oriented transformation processes that already exist at the mdw.

Submissions for the Sustainability Award 2024 have been possible since 2 April. The Sustainability Award for Austria's higher education institutions and universities honours those projects/initiatives that address the complex interrelationships between the ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions of sustainable development in the sense of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs).

The Sustainability Award is aimed at all university members, regardless of role, function or area of activity, and is presented in four categories:

Learning - Researching - Embedding - Co-operating

The Coordination Office for Sustainability will be happy to assist you with your application.

Please let us know about your submission(s) so that we can also publicise them within the mdw.


Environmental communication and projects

Mag.a Birgit Huebener

+43 1 711 55-6023