The support department „Organizational Law and Professorial Appointments Management (ORB)“ is positioned in the central management with strategic,  content-related and operational tasks.


Substantial competencies of ORB


  • Comprehensive legal advice for the entire university in organisational law and (inter)national contract law
  • Project management, conception and implementation of the university-wide strategy "Academic Integrity", in particular development and implementation of activities  concerning plagiarism prevention and plagiarism control
  • Professional support  and judicial review of the appointment procedures persuant to § 98 and 99 UG
  • Drafting and implementation of internal rules of procedures necessary for universities governance , in particular the statute
  • Professional support and judicial review of procedures regarding the license to teach (venia docendi) persuant to § 103 UG
  • Judicial  and administrative support of the university council
  • Assistance for the arbitration board



Organizational Law and Professorial Appointments Management
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1 | 1030 Vienna
Phone +43 1 711 55 - 6005