Orchestra Office and Instrument Management

...is the interface between all orchestral courses of the instrumental studies programmes, the management of the Webern Symphony Orchestra, Webern Kammerphilharmonie, Pro Arte Orchestra and the Instrument Management team.


Orchestra Office:


You can find the dates and programmes of the orchestral courses for your instrumental studies programme at:
   LV: Orchester
   LV: Orchester-Produktion: Webern Symphony Orchestra
   LV: Projekt nach Angebot

Please register for your course via mdw online.


For information on the Webern Kammerphilharmonie and Pro Arte Orchestra please get in touch with our team.


Instrument Management:

The instruments needed for university teaching and university projects are made available whenever possible.

The instruments that students borrow may be used for practising also outside of individual lessons.
However, Instrument Management does not do “conventional instrument-lending”; it exists to support teaching, learning, and further education at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, onsite contact is possible only upon prior arrangement — ideally via E-mail.
We thank you for your understanding!

Opening hours:

Mon. | Tues. | Thurs. | Fri. | 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon // 1:00–3:00 p.m.
Wed. | 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon // 2:00–3:00 p.m.

Jacob Hosemann BA
Mag. Christian Lag
Tel.: +43 1 711 55 - 6221
E-mail: oi-instrumentenverwaltung@mdw.ac.at


Contact Information


Orchestra Office and Instrument Management
mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, A-1030 Vienna
1st floor, Room AW B0159


Head Philipp Preimesberger
Attorney for intellectual property preimesberger@mdw.ac.at
+43 1 71155 6220  
Instrument Management Marinko Quiroga (interim)
oi-instrumentenverwaltung@mdw.ac.at n.n.  
+43 1 71155 - 6221    
Office administration Anita Marić  
Orchestral courses maric@mdw.ac.at  
Hall management (Orchestra Studio C 01 13) + 43 664 8414 332  
+43 1 71155 - 6223    
Webern Symphonie Orchester Mag. Angelika Dorfer

Deputy head

+43 1 71155 - 6226    
Webern Kammerphilharmonie Anna Doblhofer, BA BA MA
kammerphilharmonie@mdw.ac.at doblhofer@mdw.at.at

+43 1 71155 - 6224


Pro Arte Orchester Philipp Preimesberger  
pro-arte-neu@mdw.ac.at preimesberger@mdw.ac.at  
Orchestra attendants Leo Weber
+43 1 71155 - 6222 weber@mdw.ac.at
  Christoph Gorka
  Peter Stenzel  
  Anita Marić