Erasmus+ Lehrendenmobilität in Europa (STA)

In keeping with the guidelines of the Erasmus+ programme, teaching staff mobility in Europe is realised as Staff Teaching Assignments (STA) and can be conducted at European partner institutions in the programme countries as well as in Switzerland.

The objective of this measure is to enable teachers to acquire trans-border, multi-day teaching experience at university-level institutions of arts and music education in Europe as well as to develop further on the professional (artistic/pedagogical) and personal levels. This is intended to encourage (collegial) exchange of specialised knowledge as well as provide an opportunity to familiarise oneself with (and try out) other pedagogical methods and curricula.

NEW (starting with 1.06.2023)! The 2021–2027 Erasmus+ programme generation makes it possible to teach colleagues from one’s own field (in the sense of “peer learning” for further training purposes) at Erasmus+ partner institutions.

With Swiss partner institutions teaching mobilities are implemented likewise but in the frame of the Swiss-European-Mobility-Programme SEMP which is financed exclusively by Switzerland.

Also, and not insignificantly, such activities should lead to the initiation of cooperations with Erasmus+ partner institutions and with SEMP partner universities in Switzerland as well as the expansion of sustainable common projects.