Erasmus+ Teaching Mobilities Europe (Outgoings & Incomings)

Mag.a Sabine Roth, MA
Erasmus+ Institutional and Teaching Mobility Coordinator for Programme Countries
Office for International Programme Mobilities - IPM
Ungargasse 14
1030 Vienna

T: +43 1 71155-7420
M: +43 664 911 73 70
F: +43 1 71155-7429

Office Hours: Mo – Fr, 10 am – 5 pm

Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility International and International Networks (Outgoings & Incomings)

Anna Kühleitner, MA

Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility International & Interinstitutional Agreements

Office for International Programme Mobilities - IPM
Ungargasse 14
1030 Wien

T: +43 (1) 71155 - 7425

Office Hours: by appointment

Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobilities inside Europe (Outgoings & Incomings)

Sophia Simon
Erasmus+ Staff Training Coordinator for Programme Countries
Human Resources Development - Center for Further Education
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienna

T: +43 1 71155-7612

Office Hours: by appointment

Expense Reimbursement for International Mobility Programmes

Michaela Riedel & Alexander Hoch
Human Resources - Business Travel
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienna

T: +43 1 71155-6723 and 6721

Office Hours: by appointment

Expense Reimbursement for International Mobility Programmes

Julia Kitzinger
Finance and Accounting
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienna

T: +43 1 71155-6811

Office Hours: by appointment