Application and Nomination

An invitation (in the form of a “letter of invitation” [LOI]) has been received from the Erasmus+ partner institution and is uploaded to Mobility Online, the mdw’s digital application tool.

No invitation (in the form of a “letter of invitation” [LOI]) has been received, or additional teaching mobility visits are to be carried out.

In such cases, a complete set of application materials must be submitted to Mobility Online, the mdw’s digital mobility management tool: 

  • CV – Curriculum Vitae
  • Brief description of the proposed teaching project’s content and teaching methods
  • If possible: applicant’s availability during the planned period of conduct

All application materials must be produced either in the working language of the host institution or in English. The number of submitted applications should be realistic in terms of their feasibility (rule of thumb: max. 5–7 host institutions.

Acceptance by a host institution is communicated as an invitation (“letter of invitation” = LoI).

  • Following acceptance/invitation, the applicant is formally nominated by the IPM – Office for International Programme Mobilities at the mdw.
  • At the point in time at which the planned Erasmus+ teaching mobility is to take place, the applicant must be teaching at the mdw or regularly employed by the mdw in a teaching capacity for the current semester.
  • Between 2 consecutive and 7 days of teaching are to take place at a given Erasmus+ partner institution.
  • At least 8 units of instruction. In cases where the participant undergoes further training at the host institution, the required amount of teaching to be provided is reduced to a minimum of 4 units of instruction.