1. Online Pre-Registration

2. Registration for major subject

    2a. Personal Registration at Study Center

    2b. Pay the Students Union fee

    2c. Activate your mdwCard

    2d. Activate your Students Account

3. Signing up for minor courses


1. Online Pre-Registration

  • start - (two weeks before your personal registration - see Part 2.)
  • confirm the registration E-Mail
  • choose a password and complete registration
  • click on "Entrance Exam Registration"
  • under: "other" choose "UT990 -Attendance of Individual Courses"
  • upload a passport photo (colour photo, neutral background, no instrument, look straight into the camera)


2. Personal Registration for major subject

2a. Personal Registration at Study Center

Studies Center
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, A EG01, 1030 Wien

T +43 1 711 55-6922

09.09.2024 - 04.10.2024 (last day is earlier for exchange students)

Please be there early in the morning to take a number. If you arrive too late, you may not be able to get in because the queue is already too long.
Refer to Christine Steiner,
Bring the form

You will receive the bank transfer information for the payment of the Students’ Union fee, your PIN code for your mdwOnline account as well as instructionson how to get your student ID (mdw Card).


2b. Pay the Students Union fee
Transfer your ÖH membership fee. Please be sure to fill out the payment reference field if using online banking. Your payment should reach the Studies Center within 2 to 3 business days. Please make sure that you also pay any bank charges that may arise.
Once your payment has been received, you can:

  • Use your PIN to activate your mdwOnline account
  • Use mdwOnline to print out your student record sheet (Studienblatt) and confirmation of enrolment. Please check both of these documents immediately and  report any errors to the Studies Center


2c. Activate your mdwCard
In the corridor next to Room BEG01, you’ll find a printer with a sign that reads "Activate your mdw-Card". You’ll also find such printers at our locations in Rennweg, Penzing, and Seilerstätte. Your mdwCard is now valid (until the expiration date indicated on the card).


2d. Activate your Students Account
Your PIN lets you activate your account as follows:

  • You have already enrolled, and you have paid your ÖH fee at least 2-3 days ago
  • Go to
  • Click on the "The PIN-code can be used here: Students"
  • Fill out the following three fields from top to bottom, entering your PIN, matriculation number, and date of birth. Click the "Save" button when you’re done.
  • You’ll now see your mdwOnline user name (please make separate note of this) above the two fields in the "Account" frame. Next, choose and confirm an individual password for mdwOnline and another password for your E-mail account. Check the box below to accept the terms of use and click once again on "Save"
  • You’ve now set up your mdwOnline account including your mailbox and your personal data storage space on the mdw’s file server (for further information on IT services, see


3. Signing up for minor courses
(once more be informed that all courses are only held in German)

PLEASE NOTE: you are not automatically sigend up for the courses listed on your Learning Agreement, therefore please contact the following staff members:

For Instrumental studies
Birgit Buxbaum,
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1L 0111, 1030 Wien
T +43 1 711 55-2023

For Pedagogical studies
Imke Oldewurtel,
Rennweg 8, A 0122, 1030 Wien
T +43 1 711 55-2032

For other study fields
Please contact the secretary of the department.
Courselists for Incoming students


Courses not displayed in these lists might not be open for exchange students.