Searching for accommodation

The mdw is not a campus university and does not offer accommodation to students. Usually students in Vienna live in shared flats or in student residences.

Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD)
Oead-Housing Office Vienna
T +43 1 53408 800
Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Wien

The OeAD Housing Office provides places in student halls of residence and small flats for recipients of OeAD grants, Erasmus students, in general exchange students and visiting professors. Please read the conditions and the FAQs carefully and apply online as soon as possible!
Without immediate transfer of the deposit your application is invalid!

Sonnenallee-GreenHouse is for example with music room:

Further Links:

You can also check out various dedicated Facebook groups.


Public Transport

Vienna has a good transport system with buses, trams, underground and municipal trains. If you intend to use  public transportation regularly, you can buy a semester ticket (September—January,  February—June) for students under the age of 27 at the ticket-offices or online

Check transportation time tables and route maps at


Registration in Austria

Students have to make their own visa arrange-ments. An  application  for  a  visa  can  take  up  to  6  months.  For  further  information  checkout:

Residence Registration
Once in Austria, you have to register with the Vienna City Administration within three days of arrival. This is done by filling in a registration form (Meldezettel) and submitting it to the Municipal District Offices. You can obtain this form in every Municipal District Office or you can download it.

Registration form:
Municipal District Offices:

Before leaving Austria, you are required to cancel this registration within three days before departure!


Confirmation of Registration
The confirmation of registration (Anmeldebescheinigung) is a document confirming the residence title of EEA and Swiss nationals who moved to Austria after 1 January 2006. EEA and Swiss nationals who have just registered at their first address in Austria (Meldezettel) and intend to stay in the country for more than three months have to apply in person for a confirmation of registration at Municipal Department 35 within four months after their arrival in Austria.

It constitutes an administrative offence punishable with a fine if you do not apply for a confirmation of registration on time.

For further information on fees or required documents, check:

Municipal Department 35
For EU and Swiss citizens
Arndstraße 67, "Stiege 1", 1st floor, 1120 Wien
T +43 1 4000 35338

For countries outside the EU
(Switzerland excluded)
Dresdner Straße 93, 1200 Wien
T +43 1 4000 35244


Emergency Numbers

European Emergency 112
Abulance Service 144
Fire Brigade 122
Police 133


Health & Insurance

You can only make use of the European Health Insurance Card if you go to a public health care provider. If you go to a private doctor or establishment, you will not be able to use your European Health Insurance Card.

Österreichische Gesundheitskasse
Wienerbergstraße 15-19, 1100 Wien
T +43 5 0766-11

As a student in Austria you are automatically covered by the ÖH insurance policy for liability and accident insurance (insurance fee is included in the ÖH membership fee) in case of damages and accidents within the scope of your studies.


Opening a Bank account

for furhter information please visit:


Learning German

mdw Courses for German Language Competence

External courses



University Cafeteria (Mensa)
for furhter information please visit:


Universitätsbibliothek mdw

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Department of Music)
Josefsplatz 1, 1010 Wien

Bibliothek der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde
Bösendorferstraße 12, 1010 Wien