OLA (Online Learning Agreement)

Add your desired courses (major & minor) during the application process in Mobility Online.
Therefore you find our course modules below.


Erasmus applicants please note:

Since 2022/23 Erasmus students have to create an Online Learning Agreement (OLA) on the platform of their home institution with the desired courses during the exchange study. For this purpose, please contact the International Office of your home institution.

After the OLA has been signed by the student and the coordinator of the home institution, it will be automatically transferred to mdw in Mobility Online via EWP.

Afterwards we connect the OLA with the application and release the process for you to complete the application.

Your application is ONLY completed after we have received the OLA and you have sent the application finally.



The mdw - University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna offers a large number of different studies. For exchange students, the mdw provides specific modues with a selection of courses to choose from, to prepare your OLA.

All courses at the mdw are held in German! We recommend at least language level B2 for all scientific subjects.
For studies in
Doctor of Philosophy a language level of C1 in German or English is needed.




Instrumental Studies (Performance)




Music Education


Music and Movement Education/Rhythmics


Composition and Music Theory






Doctor of Philosophy-Doctoral Programme


Doctor Artium


Cultural Management & Gender Studies

Courses at the Institute for Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM) can be attended as minor subjects by all exchange students.


Elective-Course Platform 

Exchange students can also choose courses from the elecitve course platform. 


Courses from other study programmes 

Please note that courses, which are not displayed in the tables above, may not be open for exchange students.



All courses at the mdw are held in German! We recommend at least language level B2 for all scientific subjects.

Incoming students who have a level of A.1.1. or B.1.2, can announce their interest in attending the "Course of Language Competence German" (6 ECTS) at the mdw, however no places can be guaranteed in advance - students have to take the placement test (registration required!).

More information

The German course can NOT be added in the OLA since places can't be guaranteed in advance. In case you are able to attend the German course you can add it to the "OLA during Mobility".


ENSEMBLE CLASSES for instrumental studies
(Chamber Music/Early Music/Contemporary Music/Collegium musicum)

Places can't be guaranteed in advance. All students have to attend an audition at the beginning of the semester. Therefore ensemble classes can NOT be used in the OLA in advance. In case you are able to attend a course you can add it to the "OLA during Mobility".


Audition Chamber Music & Contemporary Music: TBA by email

Audition Early Music /Collegium Musicum: further information at the course description at mdwOnline

  • 25.7000 Collegium musicum 01 or
  • 25.7003 Collegium musicum 02


ENSEMBLE CLASSES for education studies

Places can't be guaranteed in advance. All students have to attend an audition at the beginning of the semester. Therefore ensemble classes can NOT be used in the OLA in advance. In case you are able to attend a course you can add it to the "OLA during Mobility".

Audition: https://www.mdw.ac.at/Abi/?PageId=4133


ORCHESTRA for instrumental studies

Incoming students can ONLY participate in the orchestra course. Please register by email to Christian Lag (lag@mdw.ac.at) and Patricia Braum (braun@mdw.ac.at).

Participation in the "Orchestra-Production" and the "Orchestral Project as offered" is not possible. However, it is possible to be placed on the waiting list (registration for the waiting list by email to Angelika Dorfer: dorfer@mdw.ac.at).

More information