The IPM - Office for International Programme Mobilities at mdw currently has bilateral agreements for student mobility with over 150 partner institutions worldwide. Students at mdw have the opportunity to spend one to two semesters at a host institution in a European or non-European country without losing any study time at mdw, since the courses taken abroad are recognized at mdw after successful completion. Exchange students at mdw are also exempt from tuition fees at the partner institution as well as at mdw during their stay. In all mobility programs, the zkF must be completed at the partner institution, with the exception of stays that are carried out in the course of a final thesis.

In the case of European destinations, study visits take place within the ERASMUS+ and SEMP mobility programs. In non-European destinations, on the other hand, bilateral partnership agreements form the basis of a study visit.
Which mobility program suits you best depends on various factors: Which foreign languages do you speak? Which partner university matches your field of study? Which countries and cultures interest you? And, last but not least, do you need financial support?

for study stays in European E+ program countries

- Monthly mobility grant
- Special grant for self-employed students, students with special needs and students with children.
- Attention: Prohibition of double financing! Other international scholarships financed by Austrian federal funds as well as other grants financed by the European Commission may not be obtained at the same time as an Erasmus+ mobility grant.
- At least 3 ECTS credits per month (e.g. for a stay of 5 months > at least 15 ECTS). In principle, a maximum of 30 ECTS credits per semester should be aimed for.

SEMP (Swiss European Mobility Programme)
for study stays in Switzerland

- The monthly grant is similar to the Erasmus+ mobility grant, but in contrast to Erasmus+ it is paid directly by the Swiss host university. For more detailed information, please contact the International Office of the respective partner institution.
- Recommendation of the Swiss mobility agency MOVETIA: 24-30 ECTS credits per semester (exceptions can be clarified with the coordinator of the respective host university).

Bilateral partnerships
for non-European study visits

- No automatic mobility grant

- No minimum number of ECTS credits per semester. In principle, however, a maximum of 30 ECTS credits per semester should be aimed for.