Instrumental Music Lessons for Young Refugees


Workshop Summer Term 2022 of „Zusammenklänge
Wednesday, 23rd March 2022, 10:00 am:
Daf workshop with Hamidreza Ojaghi


Neuer Konzertsaal
Rennweg 8
1030 Wien



Following up on the pilot project Zusammenklänge [Consonance], which was conducted during the summer semester of 2015, instrumental lessons for young refugees will continue during the academic year of 2015/16. (Current number of MORE students: 25.)

The mdw’s Student Union (the hmdw, represented by Jakob Schlögl and Dr. Angelika Wildner), the Department of Music Education (IMP, Dr. Peter Röbke), and the various instrumental studies departments support the participating student teachers through supervision, mentoring, and coaching, as well as with brief thematically related seminars. Currently, 22 university students are teaching 24 young individuals – as part of either a course module, an elective course, or the “Zusammenklänge” programme.

This learning programme is supported by free loan instruments (from Wiener Flötenwerkstatt, S. Andraschek, A. Wildner, and the Hellmesberger Department) and by sheet music vouchers courtesy of music retailer Doblinger.




Interview with Peter Röbke, head of the Department of Music Education, in the mdw magazine Kunsträume, No. 3, 2015 :

“Living Inclusion. Why Everyone Is Entitled to Music and How We Can Use Music to Overcome Barriers.”