MORE – The Refugees Initiative of Universities Austria

The mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna is an Art University offering music and instrumental studies, performing arts, film as well as music education.

MORE-Students can participate a number of courses as auditors.

Information for prospective students from Ukraine


All refugees living in Austria can participate at MORE:


  • Asylum-Seekers (green card)
  • Persons with temporary stay permit (white card) 
  • Recognised refugees (blue card)
  • Persons entitled to subsidiary protection (grey card)
  • Displaced Persons (blue card, Ausweis für Vertriebene)
  • Unclear Visa Status with passport


Wave of the membership fee for the Austrian student union; the insurance fee being covered by the student union

Unfortunately, mdw can not provide student housing. For further support please ask



How to apply as a MORE student:


  • For registering as a MORE student, please create an applicant-account in mdwOnline.
  • In the list of studies, section "other studies", chose: UT 990 956 - Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen; Initiative MORE ("Attending Individual Courses, Initiative MORE") 
  • Once you created your applicant-account, please visit the Studies Center (find your way here).
  • Please bring your passport and Identity Card (green, white, blue or grey)
  • Please note the time frame for the admission for the respective term:


  • As a MORE student you will get an e-mail account from the mdw that keeps you updated on informations and activities by the MORE initiative.


Further inquiries: 


How to apply for courses:

  • You will receive a PIN that enables you to access mdwOnline, the online system that helps you managing your studies.
  • You can search mdwOnline for courses you are interested in. If you need assistance, ask for help.