Previous events, festivities, and milestones


Zusammenklänge - the film

Florian Tanzer created a cinematic short portrait of "Zusammenklänge."

Film: Florian Tanzer (Luma.Launisch)

Filmpräsentation, 22. Jänner 2024, Kleines Filmstudio mdw


Karin Wagner mit den Podiumsgästen Maria Tarnavskaya und Marwan Abado



Demonstrations with Courage - Mut zur Menschlichkeit December 2020


"Zusammenklänge" concert on June 12th 2023
Photo Show: Florian Tanzer (Luma.Launisch)  



Students of the mdw, the Jam Music Lab and the Joseph Haydn Conservatory Eisenstadt with Ute-Ulrike Schmidt and Marie-Claire Sowinetz (©Jam Music Lab)
Kicking off the 2019/20 winter semester, a workshop was held in collaboration with Ute-Ulrike Schmidt (Live Music Now Unisono) and in partnership with the Jam Music Lab and the Joseph Haydn Conservatory Eisenstadt. During the workshop, Marie-Claire Sowinetz (UNHCR) delivered a clear and highly competent introduction to the complex topic of asylum.


The "Zusammenklänge" guest at the Uno City Vienna, Marie-Claire Sowinetz (UNHCR), who was invited to an excursion with Live Music Now Unisono, the MUK, the Eisenstadt Conservatory and the Jam Music Lab (November 2023)

Following the pilot project "Zusammenklänge" in the 2015 summer semester,  instrumental and vocal coaching for young refugees will continue in the academic year 2015/16 (currently 25 MORE students).

The Student Union (hmdw, Jakob Schlögl, Dr. Angelika Wildner), the Institute for Music Education (IMP, Dr. Peter Röbke), and various instrumental study institutes support the student instructors through supervision, mentoring & coaching, and specialized short seminars. Currently, 22 students are teaching 24 young people as part of either a module or an elective course or through the "Zusammenklänge" project.

The lessons are made possible by the free loan of instruments (Flötenwerkstatt, S. Andraschek, A. Wildner, Hellmesberger Institute) and are supported by vouchers for sheet music provided by Doblinger.



Link to an interview with Peter Röbke, Head of Department of Music Education in the mdw-Magazine Kunsträume (issue #3-2015, p. 20-26): 

„Gelebte Inklusion. Warum Musik jedem zusteht und wie man mit ihr Grenzen überwindet" (Lived inclusion. Why music belongs to everyone and how it transcends boundaries).