Open Archives Initiative


The Open Archives Initiative is an organization aiming at providing standards that support the technical interoperability of repositories.


Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)


The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is the main standard for repository interoperability so far. It is a simple, strictly RESTful harvesting protocol for XML-formatted metadata. The data must be provided according to the Dublin Core metadata standard but can be provided in other metadata formats too. The global use of Dublin Core ensures that the data can be harvested by other repositories or multi-repository metadata catalogs.

The current OAI-PMH specification version is 2.0. The mdwRepository provides data according to this specification via our interface at the base URL:


Supported Requests


  1. Information about our repository
  2. Information about the set structure of our repository
  3. Information about the metadata formats available
  4. To harvest records in oai_dc format repository
  5. To harvest records in oai_dc format within a specific set
  6. To harvest only the identifiers
  7. To retrieve an individual metadata record
  8. To retrieve records within a specified date range




Currently the mdwRepository's OAI-PMH endpoint is harvested by

  • Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE), a powerful search engine for academic Open Access web resources, and
  • OCLC's WorldCat, a search engine for online catalogs of publications from all over the world.

The mdw Repository's OAI-PMH service is registered at the Registry of Open Access Repositories and Open Archives' OAI-PMH Registered Data Providers list.