Term Definition Source
access control determining the behaviour or supervising the use of records trough access and permission rules ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
access and permission rule rule identifying rights, restrictions and permissions on access applicable to records and records systems ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
archival description capturing, collating, analysing, and organizing information that identifies, manages, locates, and interprets archival materials and their context ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary

set of documents produced or received, whatever their

date, format or storage media, by any individual,

organization, public or private service, in the course of their activity

ISO 14641-1:2012(en). Electronic archiving — Part 1: Specifications concerning the design and the operation of an information system for electronic information preservation,

ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications


So the modern term has a variety of connotations within, and between, individual languages and cultures. These include:

- A building or part of a building where public records or historical documents are kept and arranged: a repository

- A receptacle or container in which physical documents are kept, such as a filing cabinet or box

- A digital location, such as a place in a computer directory, where computer documents are retained

- The records or documents themselves, which are assumed to be non-current and may relate to the activities, rights, claims etc. of a person, family, corporation, community, nation or other entity

- The agency or organization responsible for collecting and storing the documents

Edmondson, Ray (2016). Audiovisual Archiving. Philosophy and Principles.
archive and library materials

all types of documents kept in archives and libraries

regardless of their physical format, mainly books,

manuscripts, files, maps, graphic collections and other

documents consisting of paper, but also parchment,

papyrus, films, photographic materials, audiovisual

recordings, magnetic and optical media, as well as bindings and protective material

ISO 11799:2015(en). Information and documentation — Document storage requirements for archive and library materials
asset anything that has value to the organization ISO 30300:2011(en). Information and documentation — Management systems for records — Fundamentals and vocabulary
  item, thing or entity that has potential or actual value ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
authenticity quality of a record that can be proven to be what it purports to be, to have been created or sent by the agent purported to have created or sent it, and to have been created or sent when purported ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
audiovisual archiving

Audiovisual archiving [...] is a field which embraces all

aspects of the guardianship and retrieval of audiovisual

documents, the administration of the places in which they

are contained, and of the organizations responsible for

carrying out these functions.

Edmondson, Ray (2016). Audiovisual Archiving. Philosophy and Principles.
audit trail aggregate of the information necessary to provide a historical record of all significant events associated with stored information and the information system ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
collection Components that are gathered together; analogous to files on a file system. ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
Content Data Object The Data Object, which together with associated Representation Information is the original target of preservation ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
Content Information The set of information that is the original target of preservation. It is an Information Object comprised of its Content Data Object and its Representation Information. ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
Data A reinterpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing. Examples of data include a sequence of bits, a table of numbers, the characters on a page, the recording of sounds made by a person speaking, or a moon rock specimen. ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
  digital form of information which can be accessed, read and/or processed ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
  set of characters or symbols to which meaning is or could be assigned ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
dataset identifiable collection of data ISO 19115-1:2014(en). Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
dataset series collection of datasets (4.3) sharing common characteristics ISO 19115-1:2014(en). Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
designated community An identified group of potential Consumers who should be able to understand a particular set of information. The Designated Community may be composed of multiple us communities. ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
digital archival set of actions aiming to identify, capture, classify, preserve, retrieve, display and provide access (3.1) to documents for informational or historical purposes, or for the duration required to meet legal obligations ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
digital asset A digital asset is anything that exists in a digital format and comes with the right to use. Data that do not possess that right are not considered assets. Wikipedia
  data set describing an asset that is not necessarily physical ISO 41014:2020(en). Facility management — Development of a facility management strategy
digital asset management Digital asset management (DAM) is both a business process and a form of information management technology. Many organizations need a centralized place where they can access their media assets. A DAM solution can efficiently store, organize, manage, access and distribute an organization’s digital assets. IBM. Digital Asset Management
digital asset management system A digital asset management (DAM) system represents an intertwined structure incorporating both software and hardware and/or other services in order to manage, store, ingest, organise and retrieve digital assets.[3] Digital asset management systems allow users to find and use content when they need it. Wikipedia
digital document digital representation of content that is stored and managed electronically ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
digital information content asset digital asset with information content, e.g. documents, audio, video, graphics, databases, free-standing dictionaries; often licensed. ISO/IEC 19770-1:2017(en). Information technology — IT asset management — Part 1: IT asset management systems — Requirements
Digital Object An object composed of a set of bit sequences. ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
digitization conversion of an analogue document (paper, microform, film, analogue audio or audiovisual (3.8) tapes) to digital format for the purpose of preservation or processing ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
digitized document result of digitization (3.18) of information initially stored on physical media (paper, microform, and film, analogue audio or audiovisual (3.8) tapes) ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications

Originally document applied to the written word – a

recording of information, evidence, creative or intellectual

activity. In the 20th century, especially in relation to the

audiovisual works, it has broadened to include the factual

presentation of real events, activity, people and places –

the documentary is a particular type of film, television or

radio programme. UNESCO’s Memory of the World

Programme recognizes that documents, including

audiovisual documents, have two components: the

information content and the carrier on which it resides.

Edmondson, Ray (2016). Audiovisual Archiving. Philosophy and Principles.
events log log which records audit trail data related to the system operations ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications

An organized unit of documents grouped together either

for current use by the creator or in the process of archival

arrangement, because they relate to the same subject,

activity, or transaction. A file is usually the basic unit within

a record series.

ICA. General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)), p.10

The whole of the records, regardless of form or medium,

organically created and/or accumulated and used by a

particular person, family, or corporate body in the course of

that creator's activities and functions.

ICA. General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)), p.10
format conversion operation converting a digital document (3.14) to a different electronic format ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
Information Object A Data Object together with its Representation Information ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
information system system that processes, provides and distributes information together with associated organizational resources ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
integrity attribute of a document whose content is complete and unaltered ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
  quality of being complete and unaltered ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary

The smallest intellectually indivisible archival unit, e.g., a

letter, memorandum, report, photograph, sound recording

ICA. General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)), p.11
media object Media Objects are all intangible goods that are available in machine-readable formats and as such are transferable independent of their carrier, in particular internet-based. This includes, in particular, digitized material, text, video and audio files from academic research, teaching, and advancement, appreciation and teaching of the arts. mdw Reposity Services Terms Of Use
media migration act of transferring a document from one medium to another, particularly with regard to managing media obsolescence ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
metadata information about a resource ISO 19115-1:2014(en). Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
  Data about other data ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules
  data describing the context, content and structure of a document and their management over time ISO 14641:2018(en). Electronic document management — Design and operation of an information system for the preservation of electronic documents — Specifications
  Metadata is structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use or manage an information resource Hodge, Gail, Metadata made simpler. NISO Press, 2003, S. 3
metadata element discrete unit of metadata ISO 19115-1:2014(en). Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
metadata entity set of metadata elements describing the same aspect of data ISO 19115-1:2014(en). Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
metadata for records structured or semi-structured information which enables the records processes through time and within and across organizations ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
metadata schema logical plan for metadata for records showing the relationships between elements, establishing rules for semantics, the syntax and the optionality (obligation level) of values ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
metadata section subset of metadata which consists of a collection of related metadata entities and metadata elements ISO 19115-1:2014(en). Geographic information — Metadata — Part 1: Fundamentals
preservation measures taken to maintain the useability, authenticity, reliability and integrity of records over time ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
Provenance Information The information that documents the history of the Content Information. This information tells the origin or source of the Content Information, any changes that may have taken place since it was originated, and who has had custody of it since it was originated. ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules

Record is a related term and can equally apply to any

medium or any format. As traditionally used in archival

science it has the sense of lasting evidence of transactions,

often in the form of unique original documents.

Edmondson, Ray (2016). Audiovisual Archiving. Philosophy and Principles.

information created, received and maintained as evidence

and as an asset by an organization or person, in

pursuit of legal obligations or in the transaction of


ISO 15489-1:2016(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Part 1: Concepts and principlesISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
records management field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records ISO 15489-1:2016(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Part 1: Concepts and principles
records system information system that manages records over time ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
reliability quality of a record that can be proven to be complete and accurate ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary
Representation Information The information that maps a Data Object into more meaningful concepts ISO 13527:2010. Space data and information transfer systems — XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules

Documents arranged in accordance with a filing system or

maintained as a unit because they result from the same

accumulation or filing process, or the same activity; have a

particular form; or because of some other relationship

arising out of their creation, receipt, or use. A series is also

known as a records series.

ICA. General International Standard Archival Description (ISAD(G)), p.11
useability property of being able to be located, retrieved, presented and understood ISO 30300:2020(en). Information and documentation — Records management — Core concepts and vocabulary