Piano Tuning

Pianos are tuned and maintained by mdw employees or by mdw-authorised firms.

Tuning an instrument takes around 1 1/2 hours, and significantly longer periods of time may be needed if any maintenance (such as restringing) is necessary.

Tuning requires intense concentration and precise listening on the part of our technicians, for which reason disturbances (setting up chairs, stands, etc. or warming up in the same room) must be avoided while they work.


Specific Requests

In order to coordinate tuning work and ensure that pianos are in optimal shape for your special activities, we’ll need you to provide us with the following information:

  • Location and room name/number
  • Date
  • Time during which instrument is available for tuning (regular tuning time: 7:00–8:00 a.m.)
  • 1 1/2 hours per piano, 3 hours for 2 pianos
  • If 2 pianos are to be tuned to each other: 3 1/2 hours
  • Model specification (if two or more instruments are present in the same room)
  • Type of event (concert, audio recording, conference, etc.)
  • Cost centre (KS) in the case of projects/competitions and/or weekend tuning jobs
  • Contact person incl. telephone number and/or e-mail address for further enquiries

Please submit tuning requests by the 20th of the preceding month.

Please communicate last-minute requests or changes to existing requests to klaviertechnik@mdw.ac.at


Complaints / Reporting Damage

If you discover that a piano is in suboptimal condition or even damaged, please report this immediately to...

…the custodian/porter on duty or the appropriate department office…

…or to Keyboard Instrument Services.

If you experience string breakage or failure of a piano’s action during playing, it’s not the end of the world.

In the interest of making repairs as quickly as possible, please do not hesitate to report such events.


Basic Rules:

Concert pitch: concert and stage instruments are tuned to 443 Hz.

Temperature and humidity fluctuations have negative long-term effects on instruments; at the very least, such changes alter their tuning. Please see our information on HUMIDITY.

Preparation: in the interest of maintaining a high standard of quality, our concert instruments may not be used in extensively “prepared” setups. We’ll be happy to provide you with a suitable instrument for such purposes.

Work on pianos that are not owned by the mdw must be carried out by firms that have been assigned to do so by these instruments’ owners.

This rule has to do with legal liability for any damage that may occur.

Care and maintenance of our pianos here.


Further information:

Care and maintenance of our pianos

Overview of Stage Instruments



Tel.: +43 1 71155-7200 or -7201

E-mail: klaviertechnik@mdw.ac.at


In emergencies outside of office hours, Keyboard Instrument Services can also be reached at the following mobile numbers:

Christian Kern
Mobile: +43-664-887 908 06

Martina Schodl
Mobile: +43-664-887 908 07


Care and maintenance of our pianos (german)

Overview of Stage Instruments (german)