Alternative Examination Methods

Students who document the existence of a disability that makes it impossible to take an examination in the prescribed manner are entitled to an alternative examination method.


  • Existence of a disability that makes it impossible to take an examination according to the prescribed method (official attestation)

  • An alternative method must not compromise the examination’s content and requirements


If you wish to claim your right to an alternative examination method, please first contact the mdw’s Student Accessibility Coordinator. You will need to provide confirmation of studies-relevant functional impairment(s) (see below). Please consider beforehand how an alternative examination method might be designed and also discuss this with your examiner. If the examination in question is committee-evaluated, the Accessibility Coordinator will assume responsibility for contacting the chair of the exam committee.

If the alternative examination method has not been permitted by the examiner her or himself, please contact the Office of the Director of Studies. In this case, § 26 para 3 of the “Studienrecht” section of the mdw’s University Statutes stipulates that the Director of Studies must issue an official decision as to whether the prerequisites for approval of an accordingly modified examination method are present following consultation with the student and with the examiner.

Required Documents:

You will need:
• An application for an alternative examination method
• A
physician’s attestation of studies-relevant functional impairment(s)



Office of the Director of Studies
Eva Seisenbacher, Mag.a iur.
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
Building U, Level 1, Room U 0122
Tel. +43 1 71155 DW 2010



mdw Accessibility Coordinator
Dipl.-Heil.Päd.(FH) Katharina Pfennigstorf

Tel. +43 1 71155 DW3411