Recognition of Foreign Academic Degrees and Completed Courses

“Nostrification” is the recognition of a foreign academic degree as equivalent to a degree from a domestic degree programme.

The Director of Studies is responsible for nostrification. Please submit the following documents to the Office of the Director of Studies if you would like to apply for nostrification.


  1. Completed application form
  2. Birth certificate and any documents concerning name changes (e.g. marriage certificate) if your academic documents refer to a former name
  3. Passport
  4. Residence permit (not required for citizens of EEA countries)
  5. Proof that nostrification of your foreign academic degree is essential in order to practice your profession or continue your education in Austria (e.g. a letter from the Vienna School Board [Bildungsdirektion Wien])
  6. A certificate confirming that you have earned your foreign degree (e.g. diploma)
  7. Documents detailing the studies that you pursued at your recognised foreign postsecondary institution including examinations taken and academic papers and/or artistic projects for which passing marks were earned
  8. Your academic papers (e.g. thesis, dissertation) including a ca. 2-page summary in German
  9. Curriculum of the foreign programme of study
  10. Curriculum vitae
  11. Documentation of sufficient German Skills

The certificate must be presented in the original, while the other documents may be presented as originals or as certified copies.

For more detailed information on nostrification at the mdw, please see the information sheet.

Professional qualifications acquired within the EU are recognised in Austria and do not require nostrification. You can find information on access to professions within the EU here. Please also consult ENIC NARIC Austria for information on your rights in connection with academic degrees acquired abroad and about formal recognition of your qualifications acquired abroad.