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Dagmar Abfalter is Professor at the Department of Cultural Management and Gender Studies (IKM) at mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. She holds a doctoral degree in Social and Economic Sciences from the University of Innsbruck with a thesis on the social construction of success and its implications for leadership in music theatre organizations; and an MBA in International Arts Management from ICCM/University of Salzburg with a master thesis on brand communities in the arts. From 2002-2013, she was a University Assistant at the Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism at the University of Innsbruck. Since 2013 she has been tenure-track Assistant Professor at mdw. In 2018 she completed her habilitation at mdw in Cultural Institutions Studies (CIS). She has been the chairperson of the Association of Cultural Management (Fachverband Kulturmanagement) in Austria, Germany and Switzerland (2019-2022). Her areas of expertise include leadership, strategy development and innovation in cultural institutions, media-enhanced arts and consumer experiences (e.g. live-opera-streaming) and qualitative/hybrid research methods.
