Foto © Claudia von Funcke

Evelyn Annuß is professor of Gender Studies at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna since 2019. She has studied German Literature, Theater Studies and Sociology, was a founding member of the Center for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies in Humanities at the TU Berlin, earned her doctorate in Erfurt (Elfriede Jelinek – Theater des Nachlebens, Fink 2007, 2nd ed.) and her habilitation, i. e. her postdoctoral qualification, in Bochum (Volksschule des Theaters. Nationalsozialistische Massenspiele, Fink 2019). Before coming to mdw she was visiting professor of Theater and Media Studies in Berlin and Munich and lead a DFG-Heisenberg project on "Performative Transpositions" at the FU Berlin. Her work in Gender Studies focuses on performing arts and theories of performativity. Related areas of research are aesthetics, affect and assembly studies, global histories of performative cultures, intersectionality and creolization.