
>>> Please pay attention to our changed holiday opening hours: Tuesday 09-12/13-15 h and Thursday 09-12 h <<<


Here you can find awards, scholarships and prizes for doctoral students of the scientific doctoral programme. Congratulations!

>>> Achievements of doctoral students at the mdw




Disputation Ioannis Christidis, BA, MA

The University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna is pleased to inform you that the public disputation of Isabel Frey will take place on Monday, 30 September 2024. The topic of her dissertation is: "Vocal Yiddishkeit. Postvernacular Transmission and Performance of Yiddish Folksong". Participation in the disputation is possible on site in the Rectorate meeting room (Anton-von-Webern Platz 1) or via Zoom - please register by 23 September 2024 by sending an email to You will then receive the Zoom link shortly before the defence date.

Dissertant:innenkolleg SoSe 24

The Doctoral College will take place from 28-29 November 2024. PhD students register within the admission period for the winter semester 2024 via mdw-Online under the current course numbers.

>>> Workshops and events for doctoral students



Deadlines for funding

Information on funding and scholarships at the mdw can be found under Funding & Scholarships and on the Research Funding homepage. All current funding for PhD students is also bundled and sent out in the Graduate Centre newsletter. 


August 01 - Oktober 15 2024 Förderungsstipendium für das PhD-Doktoratsstipendium