Scheme of the programme

The 6-semester PhD programme consists of two phases:

  • 2-semester exposé phase
  • 4-semester research phase

The ECTS credits are divided into

  • 28 ECTS credits for the courses of the exposé phase
  • 32 ECTS credits for the courses of the research phase
  • 30 ECTS credits for the exposé
  • 90 ECTS credits for the dissertation

Exposé phase

The exposé phase serves to develop an exposé and to prepare for the subject examination as well as to deepen scientific thinking and working and to contextualize the dissertation topic. This phase is concluded with the so-called subject examination on the exposé and specified subject content.

All technical and practical questions regarding the progress of the thesis are to be discussed with the supervisor.

Compulsory subjects of the exposé phase (10 semester hours per week [SWS]):

  • Dissertation Seminar 01 (History and Methods of the Subject), SE 2 SWS, 6 ECTS credits.
  • Research seminar 01 (independent of the dissertation topic), SE 2 SWS, 6 ECTS credits
  • Introduction to Gender Studies for doctoral candidates, SE 2 SWS, 6 ECTS Credits
  • Overview lecture (current trends in the field), VK 2 SWS, 6 ECTS Credits
  • Doctoral session 01, KO block course 2 SWS, 4 ECTS Credits

You can find all courses of the Exposé-Phase offered in the current semester in mdwOnline (please click on the upper line "Exposé-Phase").

In general, all courses are planned as face-to-face courses. Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, a combination of distance and face-to-face teaching will be conducted.

The supervisor may strongly recommend the attendance of additional courses to fill gaps in knowledge and prior learning. This is to be recorded in the dissertation agreement.

Research phase

At the beginning of the research phase, the supervisors and the topic are fixed. The topic of the dissertation must be attributable to the subjects of the scientific venia docendi of the supervisors. The research phase includes the writing of the dissertation as well as the independent, in-depth and critical examination of the respective research area. At the end of the research phase, the student graduates by submitting the dissertation and the public defence.

Compulsory subjects of the research phase (12 contact hours):

  • Dissertation seminar 02 (SE, 2 contact hours, 7 ECTS credits)
  • Exclusive tutoring (PV, 2 contact hours, 7 ECTS-Credits)
  • Research seminar 02 (independent of the dissertation topic), SE 2 contact hours, 7 ECTS Credits,
  • Doctoral session 02, block course, KO 2 contact hours, 7 ECTS Credits
  • Communicative competence, UE 2 contact hours, 2 ECTS Credits
  • Scientific English, UE 2 contact hours, 2 ECTS Credits

You can find all courses of the research phase offered in the current semester in mdwOnline (please click on the line "research phase").

At the beginning of the research phase, the supervisors and the topic are fixed: Formular Form Binding determination of topic and supervisors. An abstract must be sent as a PDF to 

The exact wording of the title must be requested from the StudienCenter at least 4 weeks before uploading for the plagiarism check using the form "Determination of the title of the thesis" (form will be published soon!). Should the focus of the topic and thus the working title change during the course of the study, no separate notification is necessary (e.g. slight deviations in the period to be covered). However, if the topic changes fundamentally, be sure to request this change. If you are unsure whether this is a relevant change of topic, please feel free to contact the Dean of Studies Office at any time.