Exposé and subject examination


The exposé explains the topic of the planned work, formulates a scientifically meaningful research question, gives a briefly annotated literature review with a characterization of the current discussion and outlines the projected course of research as well as methodological considerations. In consultation with the supervisor, the abstract should be written in German or English and should contain a total of approximately 7,000 words (including all bibliographical references and tables of contents). An abstract of maximum one page in German as well as in English must be included.

Further information can be found in the Guidelines for writing an exposé. You can download it on our page forms and links.

The Office of the Dean of Academic Studies obtains (at least) one expert opinion on the exposé prior to the subject examination. The positive evaluation of the exposé by the examination board on the basis of the expert opinion(s) is a prerequisite for taking the subject examination.

In the course of preparing the exposé, an external co-supervisor must be found together with the supervisor for the research phase. Teachers and researchers from recognized domestic or foreign universities or other institutions of equal standing can be considered co-supervisors.


Subject Examination

Registration for the subject examination is done by submitting the Application for Subject Examination form and other required documents as PDF to doktorat@mdw.ac.at. You can find the form on our page forms and links.

Other required documents:

  • Exposé
  • Abstract in German and English (Arial, font size 12, 1.5 lines, 1,500 to 2,000 characters)

Together with the supervisor, three examination areas will be defined, on the basis of which the mastery of the factual and methodological fundamentals of the chosen dissertation area can be demonstrated. Examination areas are areas of the respective discipline of sufficient scope. They must be clearly distinguishable from the topic of the dissertation.

The Dean of Studies appoints a subject examination board consisting of themselves together with the supervisor and a further examiner suitable in terms of subject and form.

In a preliminary meeting, the examination board discusses whether the exposé can be sent for review in the form presented. If this is deemed the case, a list of possible reviewers will be drawn up. If the examination board agrees that the exposé needs to be revised, the candidate will be informed immediately.

The Office of the Dean of Academic Studies will obtain at least one expert opinion on the anonymized exposé. The positive assessment of the exposé by the examination board on the basis of the expert opinion(s) is a prerequisite for taking the subject examination. The date for the examination is coordinated by the Dean of Studies Office. As soon as the date has been set, the examiners and the candidate will receive the report from the Dean of Studies.


Procedure of the subject examination

The examination includes the evaluation and defence of the exposé as well as a more general demonstration of mastery of the factual and methodological foundations of the chosen research area covering the three previously agreed topics.

The subject examination can be taken in German or English and, if necessary, online.

The subject examination lasts approximately 60 minutes and consists of the following three parts:

  • Presentation, in which the candidate presents the main topics and research methods of his/her dissertation (approx. 10 min.).
    • During the presentation it is possible to use a PowerPoint presentation or (when face-to-face) handouts.
  • Defense of the exposé, in which the dissertation project is discussed including the expert opinions (approx. 20 min)
  • Subject examination part covering the three previously agreed topics. (ca. 30 min).

All members of the commission have the opportunity to ask questions about the dissertation, the exposé and the agreed-upon subject examination areas.

The commission assigns two grades. One grade relates to the discussion of the exposé; one grade refers to the answering of the subject questions. The overall grade is the average of these two grades. The candidate will be informed of the grade directly after the subject examination. The StudienCenter will inform the candidate as soon as the certificate is ready for collection.

The subject examination can be repeated three times if the candidate fails. The third repeat takes place under the chairmanship of the Director of Studies.

After the positive completion of the subject examination, the candidate transitions to the research phase.