PhD - Informations about the Programme


Doctor of Philosophy - Doctoral Studies (PhD Studies)

"Scientific doctoral studies"

The Doctor of Philosophy - PhD study programme is a scientific study programme which, in addition to the scientific professional training, serves the further development of the ability to carry out independent scientific work as well as the training and promotion of young scientists. The PhD programme at the mdw is a full-time study programme with attendance.

A special form of the doctoral programme is the Structured Doctoral Programme, which is currently running under the title "Music Matters". Participation in the current cycle is no longer possible.


Funding, advice and orientation

Information on funding and scholarships at the mdw can be found at Funding & Scholarships and on the Research Funding homepage. Deadlines for funding applications can be found on the News page. All current dates for PhD students are also sent out in bundled form in the Graduate Centre newsletter.

The Graduate Centre of the mdw is the central contact point for students who are interested in doctoral studies, are already doing their doctorate at the mdw or have done so and are in the postdoc phase. For advice and more detailed information, visit the Graduate Centre website.


Curricula (PhD)

Curriculum PhD 21W (Curriculum 21W german, pdf)