Admission to the Phd Programme

First steps

Preparation of a project outline
  • Applicants first submit a project outline (i.e., a short introduction to the dissertation project), providing potential supervisors with basic background information on the potential project.
    • For the official application, a more detailed, scientifically-written dissertation concept, based on this outline, will be prepared.  
  • It should include the topic, the research question, its relation to the respective scientific research field, and why the research is needed, as well as the relevant methodological and theoretical considerations.

Selection of a suitable supervisor 

  • The topic of the dissertation project must be related to the subject of the scientific venia docendi of the supervisor.
  •  You are welcome to contact the appropriate supervisor directly to discuss the option of a PhD programme at mdw.

Verification of admission requirements

  • Admission to the PhD programme requires the completion of a scientific or artistic diploma, a master's degree or a teaching degree, provided that the subject is related to a scientific subject represented at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. (For further options see Curriculum 21W.

Obtaining evidence of the required language skills

  • Evidence of the required knowledge of German and English must be provided in accordance with the language competence ordinance of the Rectorate.
  • If you are writing your thesis in English, you are required to demonstrate German level B2 and English level C1. If you are writing in German, you are required to demonstrate German level C1 and English level B2.


Admission applications can be submitted throughout the year. However, in view of the general admission deadlines, it is recommended that admission applications for the winter semester are submitted by the end of June and those for admission in the summer semester by the end of January.

You can download the application for admission to the PhD programme on our page forms for downloading. The application must be submitted to Christine Steiner in person at the StudienCenter or by email to

The following documents must be submitted together with the application:    

  • Application form    
  • Diploma or Master's degree certificate ((copy))    
  • Certificate of conferral of the academic degree (copy
  • Dissertation concept (with the signature of the supervisor)                 
    • This should include the topic, the research question, its relation to the respective scientific research field, and why the research is needed, as well as the relevant methodological and theoretical considerations. Explanations should be given in light of current research literature.        
    • Length: approx. 5-7 pages  
    • Please note that even the dissertation concept must follow the rules of good scientific practice.
  • Letter of motivation (with the signature of the supervisor)              
    • This contains a description of your motivation for addressing this research question.
  • Literature list (with signature of the supervisor)            
    •  Literature on the chosen research topic (1-2 pages)
  • Certificate of German and English language skills
  • Dissertation agreement           
    • Although in the curriculum, the dissertation agreement between the supervisor and the student needs to be concluded by the beginning of the research phase at the latest, it is strongly recommended that it be concluded in the course of the application process since the agreement contains binding commitments concerning the implementation of the dissertation and the supervision of the work process.


Once the concept has been assessed positively and approved by the Dean of Studies and the Rector, the notification of admission is issued by the StudienCenter.

  • In exceptional cases, the Dean of Studies may request an interview. This meeting takes place with the Rector, the Dean of Studies, the supervisor and the applicant. The appointment will be arranged by the Dean of Academic Studies.

After receipt of the positive notification of admission, the registration for the study programme takes place in person during the respective admission period at the StudienCenter.