“Inter-relations: sdp meet up” is a series of online conversations organized by the structured doctoral programme to promote contacts between mdw researchers and lecturers, PhD candidates and other mdw attendees. Every event draws attention to the current and past work of a guest lecturer, seeking to elicit new insights on different research approaches, theoretical perspectives and methodological possibilities among the participants. It also intends to bring about discussions on the current issues existing in different fields of music research and the way research matters for the music practices in those field.

The events take place monthly and are announced in the programme’s newsletter. We welcome any attendees from mdw who would like to take part in the discussions.


Our guests:

December 9th, at 4pm Sarah Chaker from the Department of Music Sociology

January 22nd, at 2pm Fritz Trümpi

April 29th, at 10am Marko Kölbl Department of Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology 


If you are interested to join the sdp meet up, please send an e-mail to zehetmayer@mdw.ac.at to receive the Zoom link and be informed about the next sessions.