Our past is also our future


The Viennese string sound and the classical-romantic tra-dition of interpretation form the basis of string players’ training at the mdw. Cultivating this specifically Viennese style of music-making as well as the ability to meet the musical profession’s demands on the highest artistic and technical level both now and in the future are the objectives in training musically solid and technically assured string players.

A pedagogically specialised teaching staff is dedicated to fulfilling these comprehensive and manifold tasks. These instructors include prominent international soloists, con-certmasters and -mistresses, and soloists from the famous and tradition-steeped Austrian orchestras—first and foremost the Vienna Philharmonic and the Vienna Symphony—and world-renowned chamber musicians.


The main artistic subjects of harp and guitar are also lo-cated in this department.

Here as well, the training of solo instrumentalists of the very highest calibre who have the ability to integrate into chamber-music groups and orchestras is seen to by instruc-tors who are in their own right world-renowned soloists and orchestral musicians.

In keeping with the stylistic pluralism and the demands of modern-day musical life, the curriculum encompasses not only solid theoretical and practical training but also covers all musical genres from Baroque to avant-garde. But in the future as well, the department’s main emphasis will be the training of a new generation of string players who—given the best possible preparation for their tasks as soloists, chamber and orchestral musicians, and educators—satisfy today’s absolute demand for technical perfection without neglecting the intensity of the artistic expression and inner bond with the work and style as the overriding ideal and highest criterion in music.

Great importance in the training programme is given to the mdw’s orchestras. Each year, the Webern Symphonie Or-chester presents prominent concerts in the Golden Hall of Vienna’s Musikverein and at the RadioKuIturhaus as well as participating in opera performances at the Schlosstheater Schönbrunn.


Fritz Kreisler Department of String Instruments, Harp and Guitar

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienna


Department head
Univ.-Prof. Anton Sorokow

First deputy
Univ.-Prof. Alexander Swete

Second deputy
Univ. Prof.in Mirjam Schröder-Feldhoff  (on leave of absence)

Department office
Evgenija Totic, Ph.D.
Phone: +43 1 71155-2301

Artistic management
Mag. Julia Ostroverkhova MAS
+43 1711 55-2411


Further links

Study Center

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
Phone: +43-1-711 55-6900 to 6923
Email: studiencenter@mdw.ac.at

Office of the Dean of Instumental Studies

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
Phone: +43-1 -71155 2021

Dean's Office for Music Pedagogical Studies

Rennweg 8
1030 Wien
Phone: +43-1-711 55

Diretorate of Studies

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
Main building, building part D,
1st floor, room D 0151
Email: studiendirektorin@mdw.ac.at

HMDW -Student Union

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien

Phone: +43-1-71155-8901
Email: hmdw@mdw.ac.at

Orchestra Office

Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
1st floor, room AW B0159

mdw talent lab -support center for young musicians


Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Wien
Room: T 0203



Studiendekanat für Instrumentalstudien

Informationen zum Studium, zum Deutschnachweis, Anmeldungen der Nebenfächer (auch für Erasmus-Studierende) Link


Office of the Dean of Instrumental Studies

Information about the study programme, documentation of German skills, and registration for minor subjects (alsfoErasmus stude