Bachelor’s Degree Papers

No permission from one’s department or dean’s office is necessary in order to author a bachelor’s paper. In some bachelor’s degree programmes, the corresponding studies commissions have decided on criteria that must be observed when writing such papers.

The following documents specify these criteria and also contain the evaluation form for bachelor’s degree theses—excepting the last document on the list, which is just the evaluation form.


Diploma / Master’s Degree Theses and Final Theses

Permission from one’s department or dean’s office must be obtained prior to beginning work on a diploma or master’s thesis. Please pay attention to the rules on acceptable style and data formats (explained in the document below). Your adherence to the latter, in particular, will greatly ease saving and uploading for the plagiarism detection process.

Please note that the title that is stated on your thesis' title page and as "Topic on certificate/title" in mdwOnline must comply with the title at time of registration! If you have made any textual changes, the title has to be re-approved by the correspondending Office of th Dean before submitting your thesis. If your Department has an Office-of-the-Dean function, approval is required by the Head of Department.


Formal Criteria for University-Level Papers

You’ll find further relevant information and guidelines on our Academic Integrity web page.