If you want to enrol in individual courses at the mdw and are doing so for the first time, please set up an applicant account at online.mdw.ac.at.

Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive a confirmation E-mail; please confirm your account. After confirming, log in and select “Entrance Exam Registration” followed by “Fill out application”.

When asked to select your programme of study, please choose "Other Programme: UT 990 – Attendance of Individual Courses".

Please send the completed form Semestermeldung and your passport  during the admission period to studiencenter@mdw.ac.at with the subject "first registration"

We recommend that you register in mid-September or mid-February, as classes start at the beginning of October or March.

The tuition fee of Eur 386.06 is to be paid by every student - regardless of nationality.



The following rules apply to course attendance by students who are admitted only to individual courses in academic subjects (Auditors):

Auditors are permitted to attend only the following courses:

Courses categorised as VO, PS, SE, VS, VK, KO, or VX (Please note that cross-institutional students must fulfil any prerequisites for attending these courses that mdw students have to fulfil.)

Courses that teach the German language (for the most part categorised as UE)

All courses offered by the following departments:

Course ID numbers for courses at these departments begin with the respective department numbers and are therefore clearly recognisable: 03.xxxx, 22.xxxx, 23.xxxx, 24.xxxx, etc.


All other courses are unavailable since their attendance as part of one’s studies and registration for the associated examination always requires documentation of one’s artistic suitability—which can be obtained only by taking an entrance exam.


In no case do students who are admitted only to individual courses have the right to practice in mdw facilities!