University Entrance Examination (for those who lack formal educational qualifications)

Decree of the Rectorate of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna on 17 September 2010 on the University Entrance Examination that provides the general university entrance qualification to begin bachelor’s degree and diploma programmes in Group 16, “Art Studies”.



On the basis of the provisions of § 64a of the Austrian Universities Act of 2002, BGBl. [Federal Law Gazette] No. I 120/2002, the following is decreed:


§ 1 Prerequisites for taking examinations

In order to take the University Entrance Examination and related examinations at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, one must be eligible to take the University Entrance Examination as detailed in § 64a of the Austrian Universities Act. At the point in time at which such examinations are taken, the exam candidate must be admitted to the University as a non-degree student.


§ 2 By taking the University Entrance Examination, individuals without Austrian secondary-school leaving certificates obtain, in accordance with this decree of the Rectorate, the general university entrance qualification to begin bachelor’s degree and diploma programmes in Group 16, “Art Studies”.


§ 3 Permission to take the University Entrance Examination is to be granted to individuals aged 20 and up who desire to enter a programme of study at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna that belongs to the “Art Studies” group and who can document successful professional or extra-professional prior training for the programme of study they wish to enter that clearly goes beyond the requirements of compulsory schooling.


§ 4 One’s request to take the University Entrance Examination for entering bachelor’s degree and diploma programmes in Group 16, “Art Studies”, must be submitted in writing to the Rectorate of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. This request must contain:


one’s name, date of birth, address, and—if present—matriculation number;

documentation that one is a citizen of a member state of the European Economic Area;

one’s desired programme of study;

documentation of one’s prior training;

one’s elective subject; and

a written declaration stating the number of unsuccessful attempts that one has so far made to take the University Entrance Examination.


§ 5 The University Entrance Examination encompasses the following five parts:

A paper on a general theme (essay)

The following examinations on compulsory subjects that are required in order to document prior knowledge or skills relevant to one’s intended programme of study in the group of studies (Group 16) at issue:

for Music Education, Instrumental Music Education, Musical Theatre Direction, and Performing Arts with a major in Acting: History 2

for Music Therapy: Biology 2

living foreign language 2

Two examinations of the candidate’s own choice relating to their intended programme of study and chosen from the Elective Subject List for the University Entrance Examination at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.


§ 6 With the paper on a general theme in accordance with § 5 subpara 1 (essay), exam candidates must prove that they are capable of flawless and skilful verbal expression that exhibits a clear train of thought.


§ 7 The examination requirements and examination methods for exams in accordance with § 5 subpara 2 (compulsory subjects) are as follows:

The exam requirements in the obligatory subjects are oriented on the material taught in the 12th and 13th years of schooling. Examinations must be taken in form consistent with their subjects.


Obligatory subject: History 2

Tested material: basics of general history; significant historical facts and developments in European history with an emphasis on Austria including cultural, economic, and social aspects.

Examination method: oral exam


Obligatory subject: Biology

Tested material: development of life over the course of the Earth’s history; evolutionary history of humanity; cell biology and basic physiological processes; structure and function of the human body; basics of nutrition and health; human procreation and heredity; human and animal behaviour.

Examination method: oral exam


Obligatory subject: Living Foreign Language 2

Tested material: assured spoken and written expression with proper use of basic grammar; ability to understand the language when spoken at a normal pace and to participate in conversations on generally understood topics in a way that can be understood by one’s conversational partners; ability to translate simple texts into German; ability to fluently read and also summarise brief texts; ability to state one’s opinion on general topics in the form of an essay that is primarily narrative and descriptive in nature.

Examination method: oral and written exam


§ 8 For examinations in accordance with § 5 subpara 3 (elective subjects), the following applies:

Tested material: basic knowledge in the form of an overview of the subject in question.

Examination method: oral exam


§ 9 Examinations passed by University Entrance Examination candidates at places of education that are officially recognised as such on the basis of the laws of the countries in which they are located are to be recognised by the Rectorate upon request insofar as they correspond to the required examinations in terms of content and scope. The Rectorate may recognise a maximum of four such exams. At least one exam must be taken at the mdw.


§ 10 University Entrance Examination candidates who have passed a master tradesperson’s examination or qualifying examination in accordance with the Austrian Trade Regulation Act (BGBl. [Federal Law Gazette] No. 194/1994) or the Basic Federal Act on Vocational Training for Agricultural and Forestry (BGBl. No. 298/1990) are, upon request, to be exempted from taking the University Entrance Examination in the elective subjects.


§ 11 For examinations that are taken at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, the Rectorate must appoint at least one examiner.


§ 12 Examination candidates have the right to retake failed examinations twice. The final permissible repetition must be taken in a committee-evaluated form. If one fails this final permissible repetition, one is no longer eligible to take the University Entrance Examination for one’s intended branch of study at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. § 59 para 1 subpara 12 of the UG applies here.


§ 13 In examinations on obligatory and elective subjects, the examiner must compile a written report that contains the questions asked, the evaluations given, and the reasons for negative evaluation.


§ 14 An examination certificate must be issued for each exam taken. Once all examination certificates have been issued, the Rectorate issues a certificate confirming the candidates eligibility for the group of studies “Art Studies”. This certificate is valid at any Austrian university that offers a programme of study from the “Art Studies” group.


§ 15 Passing the University Entrance Examination renders the candidate eligible to be admitted to all programs of study from the “Art Studies” group.


§ 16 Entry into force and transitional provisions


1. This decree enters force on 1 October 2010.


2. Applicants who were granted permission to take the University Entrance Examination prior to 1 October 2010 continue to be subject to the Higher Education Entrance Act (StudBerG), BGBl. No. 292/1985 up to and including 30 September 2012.