Language Proficiency



In addition to showing that they satisfy curricular prerequisites, applicants to mdw programmes of study must also verify their language proficiency; this applies especially to applicants whose first language is not German. The language proficiency verification requirement can also apply to an applicant’s English skills if English is a language of instruction in their chosen programme of study.

The curriculum of each programme specifies the point in time—either prior to admission or by the beginning of one’s third semester of study at the latest—by which such skills must be verified. Furthermore, the Rectorate determines in consultation with the respective studies commissions what level of language proficiency must be verified in what way:

Language Proficiency Verification Requirements by Programme of Study (valid from SS 2024 Onward)


All details concerning these requirements can be found in the current version of the mdw Rectorate’s Language Proficiency Directive.


An archive of annexes to the Language Proficiency Directive can be found here (at the moment partially available in German):