Main research fields:
- Linking music therapy and sociology
- interface of organizational sociology, professional sociology, hospital sociology
- societal issues
- professional group research
- qualitative research approaches, critical perspectives, interactive research designs
Ute Glentzer completed her music therapy training at mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in 1986. In 2004 she completed the diploma course in music therapy at mdw with distinction as part of a postgraduate degree. In 2023 she completed her doctoral studies in the field of music sociology at mdw (title of the dissertation: Musiktherapeutische Berufsausübung im klinischen Kontext. (Be-)Handlungsspielraum unter dem Einfluss von organisationalen Bedingungen und Entwicklungen).
After many years of working as a music therapist in various fields (special education, forensics, accident rehabilitation, psychosocial services), she has been a internship supervisor with a focus on neurorehabilitation at mdw since 2000. In addition, she occasionally lectures as part of the music therapy lecture series.
She is currently a freelancer at WZMF a spart of the research project "SpielRaum schaffen Gesundheitsfördernde Potenziale von Musiktherapie im Kontext von Wohnungslosigkeit".